"May we have the eye to see those
rendered invisible and excluded,
opened arms and hearts to
reach out and include them,
healing hands to touch their lives with
love and in the process heal ourselves."
-Dr. Jack McConnell
Founder of Volunteers in Medicine
Volunteers in Medicine (VIM) began in Hilton Head, South Carolina. In the early 90s, one out of three people who lived on Hilton Head Island had no access to health care, a rate twice the national average. At the same time, retired medical personnel including physicians, nurses, dentists, expressed an interest in finding a way to continue practicing their profession on a voluntary, part-time basis to help those without access to medical care.
In 1994, under the leadership of founder Dr. Jack McConnell, the first Volunteers in Medicine Clinic opened. Word spread nationally about the success of the Hilton Head VIM clinic. In response to requests for assistance in replicating the VIM model, Dr. McConnell created a separate non-profit to assist interested communities in launching their own Volunteers in Medicine clinic.
Dr. McConnell was a tireless advocate for the uninsured and underserved. He was resolute in his belief that everyone deserves access to compassionate, quality health care. He recognized that bringing the community together to care for its neighbors improves not only the health of those who receive the care, but also the well-being and fulfillment of the care givers. He believed that people’s talents should be harnessed as they age, not wasted.
As a result of Dr. McConnell’s vision, there are now 89 Volunteers in Medicine free health care clinics in 28 states throughout the country. Hundreds of thousands of people who were previously without a regular source of care have been treated and tens of thousands of volunteers have experienced the joy of serving.
Our mission is to provide free medical and dental care in a compassionate and professional manner to the uninsured of Brevard County. Furthermore, we will emphasize the importance of preventative medicine and health education.
Space Coast Volunteers in Medicine will adhere to the principles, guidelines and ethics established by the national organization – Volunteers in Medicine – located in Burlington, VT. SCVIM will practice a ‘Culture of Caring’ at all times as detailed by VIM Founder, Dr. Jack McConnell.
Space Coast Volunteers in Medicine is seeking donors to fund our operations. To ensure sustainability we are incorporating multiple streams of revenue and in-kind assistance, including but not limited to:
We are recruiting volunteers, expanding our network of contacts, and engaging other providers in joint efforts to continue to offer medical and dental services to those who need it most. Space Coast Volunteers in Medicine’s 501(c)3 has been registered with the State of Florida and we are a fully approved charitable organization. Donations to our organization provide health care for the uninsured in Brevard County and are tax deductible. Join us and be a part of our community’s success story!
WE BELIEVE that every patient we treat can take charge of improving
their health by making better informed choices.
WE ADDRESS aliments of the body to the fullest extent of our
resources and that of our affiliates.
WE SUPPORT the mind and spirit by providing each client with
wellness counselors and spiritual support if requested.
SCVIM is an appointment-based, non-emergency clinic that provides free medical care for our Brevard County neighbors falling at or below the 300% of the Federal Poverty Level. Many of our patients have found themselves wedged between the cracks of qualifying for Medicaid and affording health insurance.
Our main emphasis of care are diabetes, heart disease, high blood cholesterol, weight control/nutrition and gynecology. By providing this essential safety net of service, we are able to meet our community's most basic needs. We strive to enable individuals and families to achieve well being and continue to contribute as productive members of society. We can them begin to affect positive and enduring change together.